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Vacation Bible School 2025



June 8-13, 2025

6-9 PM nightly

Friday, June 13 is Parent Night!

Join us for parent night to see your child/ren perform songs they have learned, see decorations, pick up crafts, eat some food, and have fun!


Mark your calendars!

Open to all children pre-k thru 6th Grade, grade completed during the 2024-2025 school year.


During VBS the following practices will be maintained for everyone's safety. 

1. Upon arrival, children will be brought in with parents through the main doors. Parents need to be there upon arrival to receive their child's pick up sticker. If you have not registered before arriving the first night, please go in to the registration table. If you already registered, then proceed to the check in cart. As the week goes on we will sign in kids at both the check in cart and the registration table to make the process faster.


2. If your child is sick, please keep your child home. Make sure your child is dressed to have fun and participate in VBS. We have nightly dress up themes that will be posted online and a letter sent home on the first night. 

Sunday - No Theme Night

Monday - Flipflop and/or sunglasses

Tuesday - Western/Train Theme Night (wear western attire or
dress like a train conductor)

Wednesday - Mixed Match/Outrageous Outfit Day

Thursday - Famous Person Day (dress like your favorite famous actor/actress, 

cartoon character, sports player, etc)

Friday - Group Color Day


3. Children will be signed in via our computer system. A sticker for your child with their name will be printed for them to wear and a sticker for parents' will be printed. The parent sticker is how you will pick up your child at the end of VBS each night. This is for the safety of your child. If you lose the sticker or a different parent picks up the child, an ID will be required matching registration information. 


4. Children will put on their sticker and go to the gym, where they will find their group leader and wait to go to opening rally. Parents may take their child back the first night, but must sign in and out and wear a Parent Visitor badge while there.

5. Children will be kept in small groups as much as possible. Groups try to maintain a range of children within the same grade levels as much as possible. Typically K-2nd and 3-6 are grouped together, if need be, to allow the games and crafts to be completed easier.

6. Bathrooms are available. We will have plenty of bottled water and fruit punch available for the children. Snacks will be given during snack time. If your child has any food allergies, please let us know. 

7. Hand sanitizer is readily available for all children, adults, and workers. 

8. All bathrooms, door knobs, and tables will be sanitized nightly. 

9. Upon pick up, we ask parents to form a line and we will call children out one at a time to be checked out and dismissed. This is to ensure all children are picked up and sent home with their parents. This also prevents children from running around the parking lot unattended.


10. Any parents that want to enter past the gate, MUST wear a badge that states they are a parent visitor. This is for safety of children. All our workers have been background checked and are well known to us at Monuments Baptist Church. They will be wearing badges that have their name and state they have been background checked. Anyone not wearing a badge is not a worker and should not be in the building without checking in and receiving a visitor badge. Upon start of opening assembly doors will be locked for security. A security guard will be at the door to let parents/children in that are late or need to pick up their child early. Our goal is for the children to all feel safe and have fun and ease parents' minds as well throughout the time here.

11. If you notice any problems or notice people on the property that shouldn't be, please let the children's director and/or security know immediately! The children's director is Kimberly Kelch. 

12. All workers are background checked at Monuments Baptist Church. We have many trained safety workers at our church that have been trained in CPR, first aid, and AED. 

Let's have a fun and safe VBS this year!

VBS Procedures:

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