Services Will Resumed May 3, 2020
What to expect:
Doors will be propped open until service starts to allow door knobs/handles to not be touched by everyone.
Congregation will sit in household groups, six feet apart in the Sanctuary.
People may keep six foot social distancing practice to talk to one another before service.
Offering will be collected by ushers with plates at each end of the rows. Plates will not be passed like normal.
Bathrooms will be open, but no waiting in bathrooms, must keep six foot distancing outside of bathroom while waiting.
Same distancing practices apply in parking lot.
Masks may be worn during service, but are not required.
We advice those that are immune compromised to stay home if they do not feel safe attending. On May 3rd, an old sermon will be posted, but starting May 10th, the previous week's sermon will be posted on YouTube each week, as long as they are being watched.
Bible Study only, no choir practice.
Same social distancing and seating practices as Sundays will apply on Wednesdays.
Wednesday services will no longer be posted on YouTube.
Children's Department:
No Children's Church (1st-5th grade) will be held for now on Sundays. Children will need to sit with their household groups.
Preschool Church (Pre-K-K) will be held, but with strict guidelines:
Workers and children will have their temperatures checked before entering the pre-K room. A fever of anything higher than 100 degrees Fahrenheit will be asked to go home.
Workers and children will wash their hands upon entering the room. Workers will wash their hands after any contact with a child.
Only a small amount of toys are in the room to prevent cross contamination. Toys are sanitized after each class.
If a child needs to use the restroom, they will be taken and proper hand washing techniques will be ensured by workers.
On Wednesdays Missions Friends and Children in Action will meet with the same guidelines as above.
During phase 2, Nursery will be held for Sunday and Wednesdays, but with strict guidelines:
Nursery children (birth-2 years) will only allow 2 nursery children and a worker in the space. At this time, our church only has one nursery age child, but there will be available space for one additional child if a visitor would want to put their child in there.
Nursery workers and children will also have their temps taken upon entry.
Nursery workers will not pick up children other than to change diapers or pick up from a fall.
Diaper changes will be done wearing gloves, spraying changing surface with disinfectant after change, and washing hands properly after.
Nursery will have a handful of toys for each child that will not be shared on each side of the room, separated by cribs, and after service they will immediately be sanitized.
Other Sanitation Processes:
The bathroom between the nursery and pre-K room will be sanitized after each class.
The tables and any flat surfaces and doorknobs will be sanitized and wiped down after each class.
Main church bathrooms will be thoroughly sanitized after each service.
All church doorknobs and light switches will be sanitized after each service.
Hand sanitizer bottles with foaming sanitizer are readily available in several locations in the church.
Filters for the furnaces will be changed regularly to help against the spread of any airborne germs.
Notice for all attendees:
All water fountains. If you require water during service, you must bring your own.
The Sanctuary building and Educational Wing both have an air exchange unit that facilitates protection against airborne respiratory diseases.
If these guidelines and practices can't be met, then services will have to be shut down. Please respect the policies set forth.
If you are sick, with any symptoms, STAY HOME!
If you are elderly or medically at risk, please feel free to stay home and watch our services online.